A Drive to Prescott

Had a great start driving through Nevada.

Felt pretty darn free-spirited.

The stuff packed into the car well, but I knew I’d be losing crap left and right cuz I always do on the first leg of any trip.

People think traveling “light” is easy. But it requires an incredible amount of organization. This is why I must buy a 10-pack of reading glasses.

Of course, the important things (hearing aid, money, cosmetics!, ID) are secured. But the rest is kind of a crap-shoot until I fiddle and rearrange for a few days.

Got to Wendy’s and was up early for the Trump rally! Yippee!

It was really well organized and alot of fun. A bald Eagle soared above for quite awhile and that was really cool. They gave away hats, beanies and T-shirts. And water…loads of water for the crowd. He came in flanked by three Osprey helicopters and a decoy Marine One. It was really exciting!

4 thoughts on “A Drive to Prescott

  1. Dar says:

    Happy your trip is going so well and you’ve got to spend time with Wendy and go to the rally! How fun! Safe travels little Chia! ❤?

  2. Wow suzi…. Im glad you made the move.. I love this blog and post… U are on a new journey with God… Awesome. I look forward to hearing more about your trip and travel

  3. Abdella Candace says:

    Love reading about your journey. Nothing like starting it off with a few bangs! Wendy, baptism and President and Trump with an eagle flying overhead! Praying for more God stories and safety. PS Love the chalkboard sign! Hugs! ?

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